Stagnation and the legal services industry

Real transformation has yet to arrive writes Ken Grady in his latest post Stagnation and the legal services industry. Welcome back Ken!  Readers can look forward to the sequel in a few days from now.

It is unpopular today to write something about the legal industry from a realist perspective. Optimism abounds among entrepreneurs, and among the old guard there exists the fantasy that the world is not as bad as everyone says it is. Unfortunately for me, I am a realist

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Bake bread and be a better Lawyer

In Bake bread and be a better lawyer, Ken Grady explains why you can have great bread and a more efficient law practice. It’s an intriguing metaphor and the first in a series Ken is working on. Enjoy. 

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Understand the rules if you want to play the game

Understand the rules if you want to play the game by Ken Grady is sub-titled ‘While you weren’t watching, techies and corps changed the rules.’

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Before you innovate, fix your business model

It sounds very cool to say you are an innovator, writes Ken Grady in ‘Before you innovate, fix your business model‘. As always from Ken, innovation is a topical issue for BigLaw business model firms. Read what he has to say…..

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Why your law firm can’t innovate

With ‘Why your law firm can’t innovate‘ Ken Grady adds to the exploration of BigLaw and innovation on Dialogue (1). As Ken puts it: “…the lament is there: why don’t large law firms innovate?” Ken offers four well-argued strategies to address the challenge.

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